The following images were shot August 1, 2002 from the sixth-floor parking lot of the Clarion Hotel northwest of the Ballpark. These are intended to show the structures still standing in the footprint of the greater ballpark construction site.

Foreground: Structural steel for Left Field grandstands.

Panoramic shot #1: Western Metal Supply Company (built 1909), Third Base side seating, western pedestrian ramp. (The building at bottom was later demolished.) Above and to the right of the automobiles is the Omni Hotel, under construction.

Simon Levi Company building, 715 J St.

Center: Kvaas Construction building, 330 8th Ave.; upper left: Schieffer and Sons Building, 371 8th Ave., Architect Ralph Brádshaw/Richard Bundy & Associates.

Candy Factory, ca. 1912. Will be moved to east a few hundred feet to make way for the Park at The Park.